1. Obtain an AIS membership

    To submit a proposal, you are required to be an AIS member and also pre-register for the conference. To sign up or renew your AIS membership, Click here. Problems pertaining to membership should be addressed to the Executive Director Prof. Rivanne Sandler at director@associationforiranianstudies.org

  2. Pre-register for the conference

    To submit a proposal, you are also required to pre-register for the conference. To pre-register, please click here. You will not be able to submit a proposal without having first pre-registered for the conference.

  3. Log in and visit My Conference Submissions

    Log in to the site with your AIS username and password. Once logged in, click on the 'My Conference Submissions' link on the left side. From there, decide if you are submitting a Paper/Abstract or a Panel/Roundtable proposal, and fill the proposal forms by following the on-screen instructions.
    Individual PAPER PROPOSALS should include a bio of the presenter (a paragraph of no more than 200 words), and a separate abstract of the paper limited to a paragraph of no more than 400 words, outlining the central theme and main argument of the presentation, concise descriptions of sources and relevant academic literature. Bios and presenter names SHOULD NOT appear in abstracts. Convenors of PRE-ORGANIZED PANELS should submit a personal bio and a separate panel proposal outlining the central theme of the panel, and indicating how the individual presentations (mentioned in the order in which they are to appear) relate to that theme. Again, bios SHOULD NOT appear in the abstracts themselves.The format and word count of the panel abstract are as those for independent paper proposals. Panel members must submit personally their own bios and abstracts, which follow the format of the independent paper proposal. Ordinarily panels comprise four presentations, but panels with three presenters will also be considered. In the latter case, the organizers may suggest to the panel convenor a fourth member, whose independent proposal is congruent with the topic of the panel. The Conference organizers reserve the right to edit bios and abstracts of approved presentations before including them in the Conference Program.

  4. NEW! Poster Exhibit proposals

    In addition to individual paper proposals, the AIS website will be able to accommodate poster exhibits.
    Here is a preview of the requirements for poster exhibit submission.

    I. Paper Abstract and Poster Exhibit
    By selecting this option you are agreeing to both present your paper and exhibit a poster about your paper. If you do not wish to exhibit a poster, please select the “Paper Abstract” option instead. Exhibiting a poster requires an additional fee. You only submit one abstract. Guidelines for posters will be provided if the abstract is included in the program. Please submit an abstract of no more than 400 words. Your abstract should concisely describe your thesis/argument. Your abstract should succinctly describe its relationship to the relevant academic literature in its field. Your abstract should briefly describe its qualitative or quantitative evidentiary basis. Your abstract should not include your name or that of a co-author (or fellow panelists if part of a pre-organized panel). If your paper is part of a pre-organized panel, briefly explain its connection to the focus of the panel.

  5. NEW! Different types of proposals

    In addition to individual paper proposals, the AIS website will be able to accommodate three types of pre-organized group submissions: Panels, Roundtables and Special Sessions (e.g. plenary session, exhibit, performance, film screening and discussion).
    Here is a preview of the different requirements for each type of pre-organized group submission.

    I. Panels
    If you wish to organize a panel, please select the Panel option. Each of your presenters needs to submit their own paper proposals for this panel. After submitting this form, please contact your presenters and give them the panel title. They will log in through their own AIS "My Conference Submissions" page, and will submit their paper proposals, choosing from a drop-down menu the title of your panel. In order to ensure blind peer-review, please DO NOT mention the names of panel participants in the panel abstract (otherwise, the panel may be subject to disqualification from the review process). Panels are limited to 1 chair, 1 discussant, and four (4) presenters.

    II. Roundtables
    If you wish to organize a Roundtable, please select the Roundtable option. Each of your participants needs to submit their own title and short abstract (100 words) for the Roundtable. After submitting this form, please contact your presenters and give them the panel title. They will log in through their own AIS "My Conference Submissions" page, and will submit their proposals, choosing from a drop-down menu the title of your panel. In order to ensure blind peer-review, please DO NOT mention the names of panel participants in the panel abstract (otherwise, the Roundtable may be subject to disqualification from the review process).
    In addition to describing the professional and/or academic content and purpose of the Roundtable, the Roundtable abstract should address how audience participation in the discussion will be facilitated.
    Roundtables are limited to 1 chair and no more than eight (8) additional participants. If you have more participants than this in mind, please consider an additional, linked Roundtable proposal.

    III. Special Sessions (e.g. plenary session, exhibit, performance, film screening and discussion)
    If you wish to organize a special session, please use this form to submit your special session proposal. Each of your presenters needs to submit their own description of their contributions to this special session. After submitting this form, please contact your presenters and give them the special session. They will log in through their own AIS "My Conference Submissions" page, and will submit their descriptions, choosing from a drop-down menu the title of your panel. Special Sessions are limited to 1 chair, 1 discussant, and four additional (4) participants.
    Please describe any special resources or accommodations required to by your special session (e.g. equipment, exhibit space, and so on).

  6. IMPORTANT: Please be advised that, per long standing policy, 2022 AIS Conference participants may only present one paper at the conference. If more than one paper abstract is submitted for consideration, only the first one received will be forwarded to the program committee for consideration. There are other ways to participate in multiple panels--as chair, discussant, or as an attentive member of the audience (much appreciated by presenters). Participating in a Roundtable in addition to presenting a paper is fine.

    For questions please contact Dr. Miguel Ángel Andrés-Toledo at maat@usal.es.

  7. Wait for the results of the adjudication

    After you submit your proposal, you can check the status of your submission by visiting your Conference Submissions page. When your proposal is reviewed, you will receive an email with the results



Submission opens on May 30, 2021, and will continue until July 30, 2021, 11:59pm Pacific Time-zone.


Pre-arranged panels and independent paper proposals undergo a peer-review process by a Program Committee of scholars, whose names and academic affiliations will be published on the AIS website after the closing of the submissions process. All applicants will be notified of the status of their proposals in the (late) fall of 2021, so that the approved candidates will have sufficient time to arrange funding through their institutions, or to apply for entry visas (where applicable).


In compliance with AIS REFUND POLICY, there is no reimbursement for the conference preregistration. Questions should be addressed to the Executive Director of AIS Prof. Rivanne Sandler, at director@associationforiranianstudies.org. Membership dues are not subject to reimbursement.

Other queries and contact

GENERAL QUERIES regarding the conference can be directed to the Program Chair at 2022program@associationforiranianstudies.org