Steingass, Francis Joseph. A Comprehensive Persian-English dictionary,
including the Arabic words and phrases to be met with in Persian literature.
London: Routledge & K. Paul, 1892.
Hayyim, Sulayman. New Persian-English dictionary, complete and modern,
designed to give the English meanings of over 50,000 words, terms, idioms,
and proverbs in the Persian language, as well as the transliteration of the
words in English characters. Together with a sufficient treatment of all the
grammatical features of the Persian Language. [Teheran, Librairie-imprimerie
Beroukhim] 1934-1936.
Dehkhoda Dictionary. Originally printed in 1931, the Dihkhuda Dictionary (لغتنامه دهخدا) is a comprehensive Persian dictionary consisting of approximately 343,466 entries.