The Green Movement and its immediate suppression after 2009 election resulted in the six months of bloody street confrontations between its supporters and the security forces, the massive arrest of reformist politicians and their subsequent public trials, and enduring effects on the Iranian politics and society to the date. This panel of participants will examine the nature and composition of this movement in light of the following questions: How have social and political scientists characterized this movement? To what extent such characterization fit, or contrast with, the historical pattern of social movements in Iran? Are social science categorization useful analytical tool in understanding political upheavals in complicated politics of a theocratic state with regular parliamentary and presidential elections? How does this movement compare with previous social movements in Iran and in the region, especially the Arab Spring? What was the organizational nature of the movement and its leadership characteristics? Has the movement achieved its goals? Who were its participants and what role intellectuals and women played in the movement? What are political and ideological consequences of the emergence of this movement within the Iranian politics?
“On the Sociological Nature of the Green Movement: A New Social Movement?” Ali Akbar Mahdi, California State University, Northridge, USA
“Reflections on the Leadership and Organizational Issues in the Green Movement,” Ata Hoodashtian, Management Institute of Canada
"Women Rights and a Movement Without Revolution, Azadeh Kian, Univresity of Paris, France
“The 2009 Green Movement and the 1979 Iranian Revolution: A comparative Perspective,” Saeed Paivandi, University of Lorraine, France
“How Does the Green Movement Measure Up When Compared to the Arab Spring Movements?” Mehrzad Boroujerdi, Syracuse University, USA